Friday, February 5, 2010

Ripon College Speech Department

Pictured above is Prof. Howard Hansen, '37 (far left) leading a Speech class outside of Lane Library. Prof. Hansen taught from 1955-1964 at Ripon College and established the major in Speech, which is now the Communication Department. Ripon has a lengthy tradition of being strong in speech, forensics and debate. During his tenure, Prof. Hansen continued that tradition while serving as coach of the debate team and developed several outstanding teams. At the time of his death in 1964, he was President of the Wisconsin Speech Association.

Ripon College's commitment to excellence in Speech continues n February 9th, when Ripon will be host the 2010 Forum on Ethics and Oratory with keynote speaker Kathryn Olson presenting on Al Gore's documentary, An Inconvenient Truth.

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